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Ageism In The Workplace

Look around. How many different age groups are represented in your company? Not that you may have given much consideration to the disparity in ages before, but due to economics and demographics, dealing with ageism is thrust upon us. People of the same generation have different personalities and points of view. Multiply that diversity by age ranges and there is a matrix of considerations if you want a successful and smoothly run operation. We have a small group here at Greco Apparel but still have employees in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. Read More

Leverage Knowledge for Radical Profits

What can be more valuable than taking what we have learned during our past and invest those lessons into our future? We have either already paid the price of learning from our own mistakes or reading about the successes of others. The word ‘radical’ comes from the Latin for getting back to the roots. Take a regular radical step and examine your roots by asking the question: “what business am I in?” Read More

No Simple Solution

As managers, we seem to spend most of our time solving problems. Or at least I do. Though I should know better and would be more rewarded by spending time in leadership, thinking and planning. Sometimes we get trapped by thinking we are trying to solve a problem, but the truth is we are dealing with a predicament instead. Read More

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