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Reframe Viewpoint

Most of us deal under some pressure much of the time. The demands of satisfying clients, given limited resources, causes stress. Most managers deal with problem-solving regularly. Resolving the simple problems or those with which you have had experience are rather easy and gratifying at the same time. Read More

Resist Impatience

In many ways we have created a world of instant delivery and gratification. We’re accustomed to the eight-second sound bite and our attention span has been reduced to nanoseconds. Fed Ex has ramped up our expectations for quick delivery without much regard for the process indigenous to a particular vendor. My clients would like garments made and delivered the next day. Sound familiar? But if we can take some lessons from classic and successful leaders, we may learn, as with good coffee, that instant isn’t always the best. Read More

Success Beats Survival

And it’s more fun. You’ve heard the saying: those trying to get even will lose those trying to get ahead. Current economic reports state that we’re experiencing the worst recession since the Great Depression. While we humans feel more comfortable playing name tag and joining the negative maddening crowd with subjective sound-bite labels, let’s remember to review the objective facts. Even if unemployment reaches 12%, that means that 88% of us are employed. And we are all still consuming. While this fact does not help those recently laid-off, we are fortunate that Americans are resilient, resourceful and creative. Read More

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